Thursday, 23 February 2012

Steenberg's Cove vs Suburbia - A sense of "community."

Steenberg's Cove is a tiny fishing village in St Helena Bay, on the West Coast. It has no more than 2500 to 3000 inhabitants and is probably what Paternoster once was and sadly no longer is.

What is different about living here as opposed to suburbia, where we once tried to "live?"


What does that mean for us?

  • As you walk down the street most people know you;
  • As you walk down the street, most people greet you by name;
  • When you don't come home, your neighbour will enquire as to your whereabouts;
  • Someone is always watching the children as they play in the street or on the beach;
  • Someone knows when you are happy or sad;
  • Someone cares when you are hungry or ill;
  • Someone shows affection and appreciation by dropping off something - freshly fried fish cakes, a kreef stew, a fresh snoek or simply popping in for tea;
  • Someone will close your back door if you forgot to do so before you left;
  • Someone will care for your dogs while you are away;
  • Someone will lend you something you have run out of;
  • Someone will ask you for help if he knows you can; 
  • You answer each other's questions and discuss problems;
  • You immediately recognize a stranger in the area;
  • Children play in the street in large happy groups where the older ones look after the younger ones - houses are too small to have children play inside with friends;
  • Houses are close together so you chat to your neighbour over the backdoor;
  • "Problem" families are assisted by neighbours - without question and free of charge;
  • Houses have no burglar bars or alarms, except maybe a dog or two;
  • There is virtually no crime. If you leave your shoes or shirt on the beach, it will still be there in the morning;
  • People do not "hide" their less fortunate family members from the Joneses or members of a "club;"
  • People do not banish their elders to old-aged homes, but respect and care for them;
  • People are immaculately clean in their humble homes and on their own persons;
  • People's love and caring are not only devoted to those in the immediate family, but to all members of the community.

I feel so fortunate.

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