Thursday, 23 February 2012


From my armchair, I was quite amused to hear a number of people enquire as to whether COSATU is still going to strike about the toll fees in Gauteng.

The enquiries came from people who are highly unlikely to be members of any COSATU affiliated trade union. However, now that their pockets are going to be affected dramatically by the R 550 frequent users will have to pay, it appears to me they want to hide behind mighty mother COSATU'S skirts, hoping that a strike would be called (which they will clearly not join), but which, in their heart of hearts they would actually love to join, if oly to express their profound anger.

My advice, for what it's worth, to COSATU, would be to use this issue as a means of acquiring more members. Appeal to those non-unionists to join a trade union and to join the strike. Point out to them that they can NOT be fired for participating, because COSATU will ensure that the strike (or protest march) will be a legal one. Challenge them to put their money and energy where their mouths are and for once, to show Government that South Africans - across all that which divides them - are united in so far as the scrapping of toll fees are concerned.

To all those loud voices opposing the toll fees - JOIN THE STRIKE ON 7 March or stop complaining.

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