Friday, 17 February 2012

Helen's Botox!

I need Botox badly! I earn enough to pay the R 2 000 it would cost to fix my frown line between my eyes, but probably not enough to do my whole forehead which costs R 30 000 or thereabouts, I am told. However, I simply would not and could not do it. My conscience would not allow it.

Helen clearly has enough money of her own to afford all the widely publicized beauty treatments she enjoys. I have no problem with someone spending hard earned money however they wish, BUT if you are a public figure who seeks to portray an image of profound caring about child-headed households, the plight of the unemployed and the economically disadvantaged and you ensure that you are seen and photographed in situations reflecting that very deep concern, I fail to see how you can go to sleep having planned to spend however many thousands on a beauty treatment, whilst a few kilometers away someone is starving due to no fault of their own.

It is easy to wake up and run off to the beautician when you don't have to open your curtains and see a starving child trudge off to school. It is easy to spend thousands on luxuries when you don't have a neighbour who can't earn his living for the day because his fingers have been cut to the bone by fishing gut and you were asked to bandage the wounds.

But you'll feel much prettier when you look in the mirror knowing that you spent that R 2000 on your fellow man in need, rather than on ironing out a wrinkle or two.

Many will say that Helen is a public figure and must keep up appearances. She probably does contribute to the plight of many financially - I don't know. But, the price of the Botox session of today could have been better spent than on such a publicized self-indulgent splurge.

I think a wrinkle or two off set by a track record of selfless personal sacrifice will win many more votes.

Helen, I always thought that you put your money where your mouth is - now I know that you do.

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