Sunday, 1 July 2012

I am an atheist. Why?

* I refuse to tell a child he is inherently evil and a sinner;
* I refuse to discriminate unfairly against anyone because the Bible tells me to;
* I refuse to view women as second grade citizens because the Bible tells me to;
* I refuse to believe that I must accept my lot in life because it was planned that way by God;
* I refuse to stoop so low as to ask for godly assistance when I haven't done my duty;
* I refuse to believe God is love when everything around me indicates the contrary;
* I refuse to participate in a practice of eating someone's body and drinking his blood;
* I refuse to believe that suffering before death is a justifiable condition on religious grounds;
* I refuse to believe in a second coming when the dead will get out of graves and fly to heaven;
* I refuse to believe in a god that Epicurus analysed as follows:

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”


  1. It strikes me that your 'refusal' to do all these things, Madeleine, is because you don't want to, i.e. an exercise of your free will, and not because you have exhausted in your own mind the possibility that God exists and did come to earth and did die as Jesus?

    And that would not be unusual. Rebellion against truth and fact comes in all shapes and sizes, in men and women of all religions and all persuasions. Secondly, the way you phrase things here indicates a fundamental misunderstanding of much of the Christian message.

    You would be more convincing if you just said," I am an atheist because there is no God."

  2. Thanks for your comment. I do not do those things as I won't do anything based on irrationality and untruths.Faith and rational thought are irreconcilable. I believe in science to seek the truth and don't first believe and then seek to justify. Simply believing in something cannot make it true. There is no evidence of any god, heaven or hell. I reject faith as a basis for understanding the world and all its inhabitants. Science changes to fit the truth - religion changes to suit public interest. I have a personal relationship with common sense. I do not rebel against truth and facts - the religious do that. Finally, you are quite mistaken in assuming I misunderstand much of the Christian message. Quite the contrary. Despite all that, I thank you for your interest and comment.
